Tailored Financial and Management Solutions to Propel Your Business Forward

We offer a variety of services to boost your business 

Foundation & Launch

Launching with Precision: Foundation Services for Sustainable Growth

Embark on a strategic journey with our Foundation & Launch services. We specialize in developing robust business models, constructing detailed financial analyses, securing initial funding, and drafting comprehensive business plans to establish a solid base for your venture. Our risk assessment ensures a secure market entry, laying the groundwork for lasting success.

Growth & Expansion

Scaling New Heights: Services for Amplifying Your Business

Accelerate growth and build the future of your enterprise with our comprehensive suite of services. We provide strategic planning to navigate market complexities, ensure sound working capital management for continuous operations, and secure debt and equity financing for business scalability. Our approach to forging strategic partnerships and enhancing operational efficiency positions your business for success in competitive markets.

Maturity & Establishment 

Refined Stability: Services to Solidify Your Market Position

Solidify your business's market position with our maturity and establishment services. We focus on capital restructuring to optimize financial performance, engage in cost optimization for profitability, and apply financial risk management to safeguard your assets. Our business process reengineering and tax planning services ensure you operate at peak efficiency while optimizing financial benefits.

Reinvention & Transformation

Evolutionary Leaps: Services for Business Reinvention and Market Adaptation

Navigate through periods of change with our tailored reinvention and transformation services. We offer debt restructuring and asset liquidation strategies to revitalize your financial structure, alongside crafting exit strategies that preserve value. Our financial planning ensures a smooth transition, empowering your business to adapt and thrive in new market conditions.

Adam Capital's Strength

Adam Capital Team Portfolio

Pharmaceutical Company Business Model Optimization

Client: Mid-size Pharmaceutical Firm with 200 Million Baht Annual Revenue
Objective: Revitalize the existing business model to increase revenue

Approach: Executed a strategic product portfolio analysis to streamline offerings, focusing on high-performing products while phasing out underperforming ones. Implemented sales channel optimization and redesigned key performance indicators (KPIs) for product success and marketing team performance. Initiated talent acquisition strategies to bolster marketing capabilities. Including Factory efficiency and compliance analysis.

Outcome: Realized a significant revenue uptick, ensured positive ROI on all sales initiatives, and enhanced production capacity utilization through strategic outsourcing partnerships.

Strategic Diversification for a Resilient Future - Expanding Beyond Steel Manufacturing

Client: A Steel Manufacturing Company with a Valuation Exceeding 3000 Million Baht
Objective: To diversify and expand the business beyond the steel industry to mitigate risks associated with fluctuating steel prices.

Approach: We initiated an in-depth evaluation of the company's assets, strengths, and weaknesses. Leveraging existing resources and capabilities, we formulated a comprehensive diversification strategy. This strategy included the development of a new business plan to enter sectors such as energy and biodegradable products. Additionally, we actively sought external funding sources to support the expansion.

Outcome: Our strategic guidance led to the successful diversification of the company into new sectors, namely energy and biodegradable products. We established crucial international partnerships, particularly with Chinese entities. Furthermore, our efforts resulted in securing the necessary funding through debt financing. This transformation has positioned the client for sustainable growth and reduced vulnerability to steel price fluctuations.

Transformation Through Advancing Medical Product Innovation and Research

Client: A State Enterprise Pharmaceutical Firm with an Annual Revenue of 10,000 Million Baht
Objective: augment revenue streams via groundbreaking product innovation while ensuring the safety and sustainability of the national pharmaceutical landscape

Approach: We embarked on a comprehensive engagement, strategically managing, overseeing, and facilitating Research and Development endeavors aimed at pioneering groundbreaking drug development and medical innovations.

Outcome:Our collaborative efforts led to the introduction of a diverse range of innovative products and services, culminating in revenue generation exceeding $200 million. This transformational project not only bolstered financial performance but also solidified the organization's commitment to innovation and the advancement of the pharmaceutical sector.

Empowering a Startup for Accelerator Program Success

Client: A New Startup with Limited Experience
Objective: The primary goal was to enable the startup to not only compete but also secure a coveted spot in prestigious startup accelerator programs in Vietnam and Singapore.

Approach: Our approach resembled that of an accelerator program itself, providing comprehensive coaching and mentorship to the startup. We guided them through every aspect of building a successful startup, including ideation, market research, business model development, pitch preparation, and investor engagement.

Outcome: The results were exceptionally rewarding, as the startup not only managed to secure a position in both the Singapore and Vietnam accelerator programs but also garnered significant attention from potential investors. Their participation not only enhanced their visibility but also opened doors to further opportunities for growth and development.

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